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Offerings & Services

All of the offerings are in support of your healing, growth, and education in "self".
It is my hope that by working together we can fertilize your healing process

and make your time with these experiences as useful and easeful as possible.

"Yes, you're going to have to feel a lot to do this work. Some of it will most definitely hurt."
And the sooner you accept that, the better off your experiences will be,
in medicine and in life.


Preperation & Intention

Ceremony Preparation
and Intention

medicine integration, plant medicine, plant medicine integration, shadow work, integration, spiritual journey, healing journey, medicine work, medicine path, Inner work, shadow work guidance, shadow work coaching, healing path

If it's your first time, sat a 100 times, or you're into a decade of self discovery, there comes a time when assistance and clarity is needed. Clarifying intention and mitigating expectations are some of the biggest factors for setting yourself up for success. So let's get you to the clarity of starting at the bedrock of your work,  and not out at the peripheral edges of your healing where you are wasting time cutting through the fluff of your intermediary consciousnesses. The bedrock as I call it is your actual subconscious. So If we can quickly cut through the intermediary layer we get to the heart of the matter, saving a lot of medicine, energy, and time. So get clear.


We also want to mitigate expectations. Please understand expectations are about control. Resisting the experience or forcing your idea on it will make it "not fun" "real fast". So we do our best to accept that we don't know what's going to happen. It's okay not to know. And at the heart of this is surrender, allowance, and giving in - each one a deep dive into trust and letting go. However, we have strong will power, authority issues, and we love being stubborn so we can al least control one thing in life... our suffering. So the more you let go the sweeter the ride will be. That's a great mantra for medicine and life. Be wise and prepare well, and let me assist you with finding clarity and tools to navigate your journey with ease and grace.



*** And please ***

If it's your first time do not research anything on the internet. You'll only find extreme information.

Don't put stupid stuff in your head before you have your own experience.

Experience is the greatest teacher and rooted in reality.

So sit before you research.

Remembering that Surprise is Grace's greatest weapon against the mind (ego).

So be surprised.


medicine integration, plant medicine, plant medicine integration, shadow work, integration, spiritual journey, healing journey, medicine work, medicine path, Inner work, shadow work guidance, shadow work coaching, healing path


So you've had an experience! Sometimes medicine journeys can be hard to process.

~ Maybe you felt too much

~ Maybe too little

~ Maybe none of it makes sense

~ Maybe !@%^#&#^$#!

~ Maybe you just want a sounding board

These are all totally normal responses to an altered-state-deep-dive into your subconscious.

In these moments I find perspective and context

to be our biggest allies.


** Having another way to look at something is the difference between suffering and joy. **


So we take our experiences, and with awareness,

we turn them into new perspectives.

Thus taking the seed of experience and planting it.

If we don't consciously plant the seeds of our new perspectives they can be lost,

or the mind (ego) can corrupt them and use them against us.


In my time I've held space for and witnessed so many flavors and extremes, that almost nothing surprises me any more. I haven't seen it all, but after 400+ ceremonies I have wealth of context and calm.

Seeing, distilling, simplifying the truth is what I do.

Shadow Work

Shadow Work
medicine integration, plant medicine, plant medicine integration, shadow work, integration, spiritual journey, healing journey, medicine work, medicine path, Inner work, shadow work guidance, shadow work coaching, healing path

Shining light into the Unseen -

the ongoing process of diving in again and again, seeking lost parts of your self,

and healing and re-educating from the immature decisions that were made at an very young age.

~ Maybe you've come to an impasse

~ Maybe you're lost in confusion

~ Maybe you hit a deep crack and can't find your way out

~ Maybe you just want a guide

~ Maybe you want accountability

If you do this inner work long enough you'll most likely experience all of these moments. The truth is, we all have an infinitely unique story, and yet our subconscious is all organized and built the same. Once you learn the basic road map of the subconscious it's much easier to navigate and see how wounds and cords are connected and knotted.

You don't need eyes to navigate the unseen, you need comprehension.

So take advantage of my vast wealth of experience and my own inner exploration.

We all need companions and guides at times!


Let me say this clearly,

"you must be willing to follow through."

If you open cords or channels and don't tend to them,
the mind
(ego) will now know what you're working on, how to defend it, and hide it 10x better,
making both the medicine's and your job harder.
Which it will do very quickly!

"It is better to be ignorant than to open up inner work and not follow through!"

So let's work together and find a way to minimize your suffering,
while giving you the greatest opportunities
and support for your healing and growth!


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